What is chemotherapy technique, its benefits and side effects

 Chemotherapy is the technique of using drugs for killing cancer cells. This particular cancer treatment keeps cancer cells from growing, dividing, and creating new cells. Chemotherapy is a treatment option for a variety of malignancies. The chemotherapy procedure, as well as its advantages and drawbacks, will be covered in this article.

Chemotherapy Procedure

A consultation with an oncologist normally precedes the start of the chemotherapy treatment. An oncologist is a medical professional who focuses on the treatment of cancer. In order to ascertain the extent of the malignancy, the oncologist will assess the patient's medical history and conduct a number of tests during the consultation. The oncologist will devise a course of treatment, which can involve chemotherapy, based on the findings of these tests. 

The drugs used for chemotherapy may be given orally (as a pill), intravenously (via a vein), intramuscularly (by injection into a muscle), or subcutaneously (under the skin). The type and stage of the disease, the patient's general health, and the medications being used are only a few of the variables that will affect the frequency and length of the chemotherapy treatment.
Usually, the chemotherapy procedure is broken up into cycles. Each cycle consists of a treatment phase and a recovery phase. The body can recuperate from the effects of the chemotherapy medications during the rest period. Depending on the patient, the cancer kind, and its stage throughout treatment, the necessary number of cycles will vary.

Benefits of chemotherapy

Chemotherapy can be a successful treatment for a variety of cancers. It kills cancer cells that are dividing quickly, which is how it operates. Before surgery or radiation therapy, tumors can potentially be reduced with the help of chemotherapy medications. Chemotherapy may be the only therapy necessary in some circumstances to cure cancer.
Cancer that has spread to different body parts can also be treated with chemotherapy. Metastatic cancer is what is meant by this. Chemotherapy medications can get to cancer cells that have progressed past the initial tumor through the bloodstream. Both the symptoms and the cancer's progression may be slowed by doing this.

Side effects of chemotherapy

Chemotherapy can be a successful cancer treatment, but it also has a number of negative effects. The type and dosage of the medications being used, as well as the general health of the patient, can all affect the adverse effects of chemotherapy. The following are a few of the most typical side effects of chemotherapy:


Chemotherapy can leave you feeling extremely weak and weary. This is due to the medications' potential to harm healthy cells in the body, especially those responsible for energy production.

Vomiting and nausea 

Chemotherapy may aggravate the lining of the stomach and intestines, which may result in these side effects. These symptoms can be controlled with anti-nausea drugs.

Hair loss

Hair loss is a side effect of chemotherapy medications that harms hair follicles. Depending on the medications being used, this may be either transient or permanent.


 Chemotherapy medications can decrease the body's red blood cell count, which can result in anemia. Dizziness, shortness of breath, and exhaustion may result from this.

Taste and smell changes

Chemotherapy can change how food tastes and smells, making it challenging to eat.

Enhanced risk of infection

Chemotherapy medications can impair immune function, leaving patients more prone to infections.

Mouth sores

Drugs used for chemotherapy can lead to mouth and throat sores and inflammation, which can make it difficult to eat and drink.

Skin and nail changes

Chemotherapy can result in dry, itchy skin and brittle, discolored nails.

Enhanced risk of bleeding

Chemotherapy medications may impair the body's capacity to form blood clots, raising the likelihood of bleeding.

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