Male Infertility | causes and treatment

 Male infertility

Male infertility is the inability of a male to produce enough sperm for his female partner to become pregnant. Making enough sperm under the correct circumstances and environmental or genetic factors is necessary for male fertility. 

What causes male infertility?

Male infertility can be caused by many reasons, such as:
  • Male infertility is most frequently caused by issues producing healthy sperm. Sperm may be immature, have an unusual morphology, or be incapable of swimming.
  • Genetic diseases like Klinefelter's syndrome, myotonic dystrophy, microdeletion, and other genetic illnesses cause male infertility.
  • The problems that affect how the function of the testicles are the most common causes of infertility in males.
  • Semen flow can be stopped by anything that constricts the vaginal tract. This can be a genetic or congenital flaw. Semen can also be blocked by infection or inflammation caused by an STD.

Food Supplements for Male Fertility:

The bulk of the foods recommended for increasing male fertility is multivitamin-rich foods. You can naturally raise your sperm count by including some of these in your diet.
Here some foods are described as follows:

Fatty fish

Sperm from fertile men has higher omega-3 fatty acids than infertile men's sperm. Eat fatty seafood like salmon, herring, sardines, and anchovies to give your male omega-3 fatty acids.


Nuts may enhance the performance and quality of sperm. For instance, walnuts might improve sperm quality. That's because walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. Almonds, pecans, pine nuts, and hazelnuts are further nuts high in antioxidants. The antioxidant power of peanuts is unmatched. Your guy needs to watch his portions to ensure that his nut nibbling is as healthy as possible. Limit your intake to one ounce, or roughly a modest handful, and stay away from sugar-sweetened and chocolate-covered nuts.


Several meals, including beef, can support a healthy sperm count and motility. It is packed with a variety of essential minerals, including zinc, selenium, vitamin B12, carnitine, and others, that are crucial for sperm motility, development, and general health.


In terms of male fertility, tomatoes typically in their purest form are an effective antioxidant. The ingredient lycopene, which gives the fruit (or, in some people's eyes, vegetable) its red coloring, may increase male fertility.

Indian Gooseberry  

The amla berries, also known as Indian Gooseberries, have high antioxidant qualities that defend cells. Regular use of alma berries may improve sperm quality and quantity.

Maca Roots

Maca roots are commonly suggested as an alternative herbal remedy by herbologists. Increased semen volume and improved sperm motility are two ways that men who struggle with low semen fluids might raise their levels.

Leaves of greens

A B vitamin called folate can be found in leafy greens. This aids in boosting sperm production and lowering the possibility of abnormal sperm. To take advantage of the antioxidant qualities of folate, consume lots of spinach, cabbage, watercress, and kale. To further increase your sperm count, add broccoli, green beans, peas, and lentils to your diet.


Oysters are a great food to eat when you want to increase your fertility because they are high in zinc. Your sperm count and motility will increase as a result of the zinc. Oysters are an aphrodisiac and also contain taurine and glycogen. These vitamins and minerals support your reproductive system.

Foods to avoid for male fertility:

Here is a list of items to stay away from that cause issues with fertility in men of all ages:

soybean products

Even while the soy is generally nutritious, it might not be the best option if you're trying to get pregnant. This is due to the significant amounts of oestrogenic isoflavones found in soy. As a result, the body's estrogen levels rise, which causes testosterone levels to fall. Lower testosterone levels then have a significant impact on sperm quality and quantity, which can impair male fertility.

Processed Meats

Meat that has been altered from its natural state is referred to as processed meat; examples include bacon, sausage, ham, corned beef, and beef jerky. Even though the fact that these foods might be pretty delicious, they are not the ideal option in terms of male fertility.
Researchers discovered that processed meat consumption was negatively correlated with sperm morphology in a clinical investigation that was published in the Journal of Nutrition. In fact, males in the highest quartile of processed red meat consumption had 23.2% fewer sperm that were morphologically normal than those in the lowest quartile.

No Trans Fats

Because of their longer shelf life, trans fats have been used in the food industry, however, recent studies have linked them many several risk factors for cardiovascular disease. According to a recent study, sperm with the greatest levels of trans fatty acids had reduced sperm concentrations.

Fried food

Because fried foods contain advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which contribute to higher levels of oxidative stress, these hard-to-resist foods can lower the quality of sperm. They're great as an occasional pleasure, but if fried food is a constant in your diet, it would be wise to cut back.


Men can have one or two alcoholic drinks per day without any problems, but having more than 14 mixed drinks in a week can drop testosterone levels and affect sperm count. In fact, research indicates that regular drinking (defined as five or two hours) can also harm sperm. Similarly, giving up smoking and using drugs is advised when trying to get pregnant.

Male infertility treatment

Depending on the underlying cause, there are many ways for treating male infertility. Other considerations, such as cost and personal preferences, can influence whether or not to seek therapy.

Varicoceles treatment

Soft-tissue varicoceles are enlarged veins. 16 out of every 100 males have them. Infertile guys are more likely to have them (40 out of 100). They prevent normal blood drainage, which hinders the development of sperm. Blood may flow back into your scrotum from your belly as a result of varicoceles. The testicles become too heated at that point to produce sperm. Low sperm counts may result from this.
 A small procedure known as a varicocelectomy can treat varicoceles. By treating these enlarged veins, sperm mobility, quantity, and structure are improved.

Treatments for issues with sexual activity.

In cases of erectile dysfunction or early ejaculation, medication or therapy can help improve fertility.

Azoospermia treatments

A man has azoospermia if there is no sperm in his ejaculate. It can be brought on by blockages in the reproductive system, hormonal imbalances, challenges with ejaculation, or abnormalities with testicular anatomy or function. The cause of azoospermia affects the course of treatment. Understanding and treating azoospermia frequently involve genetic counseling and testing.

Transurethral ejaculatory duct resection

Blockages in the ejaculatory duct can be surgically removed. A tiny incision is made in the ejaculatory duct and a cystoscope is inserted into the urethra (the tube located inside the penis). In roughly 65 out of 100 males, this results in sperm entering the semen. But issues could arise. Blockages might recur. Other potential but uncommon issues include incontinence and retrograde ejaculation from bladder injury. Additionally, just 1 in 4 couples who receive this treatment spontaneously become pregnant.

Assisted Reproductive Technology

Infertility is also treated using assisted reproductive technology (ART). For the treatment of infertility, assisted reproductive technology (ART) is used. It covers sperm and egg-handling fertility procedures. It functions by taking eggs out of the ovaries. Embryos are created by mixing sperm and eggs. After that, the embryos are returned to the parent's body.

Based on your specific type of infertility and its cause, a doctor may suggest one of the following methods:

Intrauterine insemination (IUI)

During ovulation, sperm is immediately injected into the uterus. The women are generally given medicines first to improve the number of eggs they produce.

In-vitro fertilization (IVF) 

Multiple eggs taken from the woman are combined with sperm in a "test tube". The uterus is then filled with fertilized eggs. IVF needs at least a few sperm that are viable.

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) A single sperm is put into an egg using a very small needle. After that, the fertilized egg is placed inside the uterus. Sperm counts that are abnormally low or low can be treated with ICSI.

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